Here are some samples of my work

FLYER.jpgIt’s hard to know if a writer can do good work for you until you give them an assignment to work on. So, I decided to start sharing some samples of actual work I’ve done. You can check them out on this page. The first page on all of them is the same (so far). It’s just a gratuitous plug for my services. Contact me if you think I might be able to help you or your organization. There’s no charge just to talk. Here’s what I’ve uploaded so far.

A Mata Portfolio #1: I’ve included a concept paper, a fundraising letter and a magazine article for your consideration in this set.

A Mata Portfolio #2: I’ve included a concept paper, a short story and a magazine article. Note: the short story is about suicide, so be warned about that.

The following are some policy papers and research projects I’ve done for other groups:

Feel free to download and share. I will be posting more sets of some of my work, hopefully once a week.

A note on the concept papers. I write these whenever I think I have a really good idea worth sharing with others. Sometimes I try to actually get them implemented. And sometimes, I know that I’m not the person best suited for the idea. I am willing to share them and hope that someone can do something with them. Please feel free to give it a try on anything I share here.

Also, feel free to share this document with anyone you think might benefit from them. Feedback is always appreciated.

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